4 things that destroy you more than unhealthy food every day

2 min readJan 2, 2022
4 things that destroy you more than unhealthy food every day

I, too, was once convinced that taking care of your own health is about healthy eating and sports. Over time, I realized that this was not all. There is something else that has a huge impact on our well-being and health. It’s our way of thinking, the way we deal with stress, and how we care for our mental health. And I decided to write this post because, as I write on my blog: even the healthiest eco food will not help if you don’t take care of yourself and your head is full of negative thoughts. Are you worried that you ate the cookie? Are you counting calories carefully and have a feeling that you ate ice cream? Don’t have. Better take care of your mental health 🙂

What negatively affects your health?

Complaining and worrying

The more toxic and negative thoughts you have, the more your brain adjusts to this kind of thinking. Additionally, complaining is very contagious and damages the brain. Worry is also… an addiction. A good way to get rid of these bad habits is to practice gratitude, appreciate what we have, and enjoy the smallest things. And maybe it’s worth stopping to worry about things that are beyond your control? You know you worry about things that will probably never happen? And even if there is a crisis, leave yourself worrying for now. Why worry in advance, twice?

Being with toxic people

I once read a sentence like this: Getting rid of toxic people around you is one of the most important steps on the way to being happy. Such people should go into space.




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